
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Mistakes u do on Social Media
There will be a Time when you browse your profile and timeline thus,you will say to yourself ...

1. I will not post when I am hungry and I will eat something before posting or updating my status because I might say something which is not right.

2. I will choose carefully what I will RT-Retweet or words to write on my Tweet.

3. I will not go online when I am angry or upset because I might say something bad which will place me into trouble that might starts a conflict or word war.

4. I will not post selfie pictures taken in comfort rooms in the mall or any establishment or even at home right away. I will check each pictures that I have taken first before I post something that will put me or somebody else in an embarrassing position.

5. I will choose wisely in posting pictures of my current relationship because when I realize he/she is not the one meant for me in the near future, it can put me in a compromising situation with my future relationship and life.

6. I will be careful when updating my status and posting of my current location when I am on vacation or activities or  about to leave home because somebody might be monitoring me, your family or your place. If I can delay posting pictures and location do so.

7. I will not own video and image that is not really mine. I will give credit to the rightful owner and website. I am sure they won't mind sharing unless they say do not reupload.

8. I will be careful with the pictures/videos I upload and comment because my school administration or present/future employer will base on my character reference on social media. There are some companies that require my social media account/profile. I will check the update of what I had posted on my educational and employment background because it  may not match the resume I submitted. It will reflect on me.

Remember, posts to social media are very difficult to remove and can damage your reputation and safety.

Only a friendly reminder from
Thank you to my eldest son in proofreading my work.

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