
Monday, February 15, 2016

The Classic Fold s:Suit Jacket’s Breast Pocket Accessory

How To Fold a Pocket Square: Classic Fold - He Spoke Style

The Classic Fold is the simplest and most no-nonsense fold of the bunch. Wear it in casual situations, like grabbing a drink with friends or on a low-key first date. This fold is also a great showcase for solid pocket squares with colored borders.
How To Fold a Pocket Square: Classic Fold - He Spoke Style
How To Do It:
1. Start with the pocket square laying flat.
2. Fold one side over to the other side lengthwise.
3. Fold the bottom up to meet the top.
4. Fold lengthwise again to match the width of your breast pocket.

Bonus tip: If your pocket square has hand rolled edges, this is a great fold to show them off. You can get this effect by not folding the fabric completely symmetrically and letting the pocket square’s edges layer naturally.

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