
Saturday, December 6, 2014


Each type of dermatitis may look a little different and may tend to occur on different parts of your body. The most common types of dermatitis include:
  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema). Usually beginning in infancy, this red, itchy rash most commonly occurs where the skin flexes — inside the elbows, behind the knees and the front of the neck. When scratched, the rash can leak fluid and crust over.
  • Contact dermatitis. This rash occurs on areas of the body that have come into contact with substances that either irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction, such as poison ivy. The rash may burn, sting or itch. Blisters may develop.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. This condition causes a red rash with yellowish and somewhat "oily" scales, usually on the scalp and sometimes on the face, especially around the ears and nose. It's a common cause of dandruff. In infants, this disorder is known as cradle cap.

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if:
  • You're so uncomfortable that you're losing sleep or are distracted from your daily routines
  • Your skin becomes painful
  • You suspect your skin is infected
  • You've tried self-care steps without success
A number of health conditions, allergies, genetic factors and irritants can cause different types of dermatitis:
  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema). This condition often occurs with allergies and frequently occurs in families in which members have asthma, hay fever or eczema.
  • Contact dermatitis. This condition results from direct contact with one of many irritants or allergens — such as poison ivy; jewelry containing nickel; and certain cleaning products, perfumes and cosmetics.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. This condition is common in people with oily skin or hair, and it may come and go depending on the season. It's likely that hereditary factors play a role in this condition.

Risk factors

By Mayo Clinic Staff
A number of factors can increase your risk of developing certain types of dermatitis. Examples include:
  • Age. Dermatitis can occur at any age, but atopic dermatitis (eczema) usually begins in infancy.
  • Allergies and asthma. People who have a personal or family history of hay fever or asthma are more likely to develop atopic dermatitis.
  • Occupation. Jobs that put you in contact with certain metals, solvents or cleaning supplies increase your risk of contact dermatitis.

Your doctor may diagnose dermatitis after talking to you about your signs and symptoms and examining your skin.

Patch testing

In the case of contact dermatitis, your doctor might conduct patch testing on your skin to see which substances inflame your skin. In this test, your doctor applies small amounts of various substances to your skin under an adhesive covering. During return visits over the next several days, your doctor examines your skin to see if you've had a reaction to any of the substances. This type of testing is most useful for determining if you have specific contact allergies.

Treatments and drugs

By Mayo Clinic Staff
Dermatitis treatment varies, depending on the cause. Using corticosteroid creams, applying wet compresses and avoiding irritants are the cornerstones of most dermatitis treatment plans. Light therapy, which involves exposing your skin to controlled amounts of natural or artificial light, also may be used in some cases.

Dermatitis: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is dermatitis?

Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. Depending on the type of dermatitis, areas of skin may become red and itchy with some acute attacks causing crusty scales or blisters that ooze fluid.
Types of dermatitis:

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis typically causes the skin to develop a pink or red rash, which usually itches. Pinpointing the exact cause of contact dermatitis can be difficult. Contact dermatitis may be irritant or allergic. Common chemical irritants include detergents, soaps, some synthetic fibres, nail polish remover, anti-perspirants, and formaldehyde (found in non-iron fabrics, polishes, artificial-fingernail adhesive, chipboard, and foam insulation). Some plants, in particular primula, chrysanthemums, daffodils and tulips, irritate some people. Wearing rubber gloves, or nickel or cobalt in jewellery can cause contact allergic dermatitis if the person is allergic to these substances. Both types of contact dermatitis may be caused by cosmetics, perfumes, hair dyes, and skin-care products.

Nummular dermatitis

Nummular dermatitis consists of distinctive coin-shaped red plaques that are most commonly seen on the legs, hands, arms, and torso. It is more common in men than women and the peak age of onset is between 55 and 65. Living in a dry environment or having very hot showers can cause this condition.

Atopic dermatitis or eczema

Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, causes the skin to itch, scale, swell, and sometimes blister. This type of eczema usually runs in families and is often associated withallergiesasthma, and stress.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis

Seborrhoeic dermatitis consists of greasy, yellowish, or reddish scaling on the scalp and other hairy areas, as well as on the face or genitals, and in skin creases along the nose, under the breasts, and elsewhere. This condition is called cradle cap in infants and is likely to be related to maternal hormonal changes affecting the sebaceous glands (glands that produce a natural greasy substance, sebum). It may be aggravated by stress.

Stasis dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis is caused by poor circulation and can happen in people withvaricose veinscongestive heart failure, or other conditions. Veins in the lower legs fail to return blood efficiently, causing pooling of blood and fluid build-up andoedema. This leads to irritation, especially round the ankles.

What are the symptoms of dermatitis?

Dry, reddish, itchy skin indicates some kind of dermatitis, or skin inflammation, of which there are many types:
  • A red rash that is limited to the area of skin exposed to an irritant is probably contact dermatitis.
  • Red, itchy, circular patches of weeping, scaly, or encrusted skin suggest nummular dermatitis, common in older people who have dry skin or live in dry environments.
  • Greasy, yellowish scales on the scalp and eyebrows, behind the ears, and around the nose indicate seborrhoeic dermatitis; in infants it is called cradle cap.
  • Scaling, sometimes ulcerated skin appearing inside the lower legs and around the ankles, may indicate stasis dermatitis.
  • Extreme, persistent itchiness may signal atopic dermatitis (eczema). Very often, however, itchiness results simply from dry skin.
  • source:

Dermatitis: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


Seek medical advice if:

  • Your skin has oozing sores or other signs of infection. You may need treatment with antibiotics or other drugs.
  • The affected skin does not respond to treatment with over-the-counter creams or medicated shampoos. You should have a medical diagnosis made and treatment recommended.
During a flare-up of eczema, if you are exposed to anyone with a herpes simplex virus infection, you are at increased risk of contracting the viral disorder.

How do I know if I have dermatitis?

Most types of dermatitis can be diagnosed by a doctor's observation of the irritation and its location on the body. Sometimes a skin scraping will be taken for microscopic analysis. To identify causes of contact dermatitis, a doctor may try patch tests, applying suspected allergens to areas of skin on the back. Patch testing is usually carried out by a skin specialist (dermatologist).

What are the treatments for dermatitis?

The first step in treating dermatitis is to identify and eliminate the cause. Most mild skin inflammation responds well to room temperature baths followed by application of fragrance-free moisturising lotions or over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis may respond to anti-dandruff shampoo. These products may contain tar, salicylic acid, zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, sulfur or selenium, any of which may be effective.

Once chemicals causing contact dermatitis are identified, treatment will be based on avoidance, symptom relief and other coping mechanisms.

To help clear the lesions of nummular dermatitis, applying a moisturising lotion and corticosteroid cream may be recommended.

If you suffer from stasis dermatitis, wearing support stockings and elevating your legs to reduce their swelling may be advised. Also, the underlying condition that is causing the leg swelling should be controlled. If an open ulcer gets infected, antibiotics may be needed.

To reduce inflammation and heal the irritation of most types of dermatitis, a doctor will usually recommend a prescription corticosteroid cream and may prescribe an oral antihistamine to relieve severe itching and an antibiotic if a secondary infection develops. Severe cases of dermatitis may call for corticosteroid tablets or, in rare cases, injections.

How can I prevent dermatitis?

Most cases of dermatitis develop in people with sensitive skin and can be prevented simply by avoiding the irritant. If you feel you are at risk, consider these preventative steps:
  • Wear loose-fitting, natural-fibre clothing; untreated cotton is ideal.
  • Have warm, not hot, baths or showers and use mild soap or a soap substitute cream
  • Moisturise your skin after a bath using an unscented lotion, ointment or cream.
  • Avoid identified triggers such as plated jewellery, especially in your ears, to prevent nickel-related rashes. Surgical steel or 14-carat gold earring posts are usually better choices.
  • Don't wear a watchstrap that presses against your skin for long periods; the friction and sweat build-up can cause rashes.
  • Consider using a humidifier at home and at work to keep the air from getting too dry.
  • source:
  • My note: If symptoms persist concult your doctor