
Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to Hard-Boil an Egg

How to Hard Boil Eggs
Hard-boiling eggs is almost as easy as boiling water, if you know the right process: Cooking eggs too long or too vigorously can result in cracked shells, tough whites, and green-gray, sulfuric-smelling yolks. The gentle method shown in this video works every time.

  • eggs
  • saucepan with lid
  • cold water
  • timer
  • bowl
  1. Place eggs in a pot filled with cold water
    Set eggs in a single layer in a saucepan. Water should cover eggs by one to two inches.
  2. Boil the water
    Bring the water to a full, rolling boil, and cover the saucepan. Turn off the stove, remove the pot from the burner, and let it stand, covered, for 12 minutes (set the timer).
    note:others suggest 10 minutes
  3. Submerge the eggs in cold water
    Drain the pot, and transfer the eggs to a bowl of cold water, to stop the cooking process.
  4. Crack and peel the eggs
    Tap each egg a few times to crack its shell, then roll it on a work surface to break the shell completely. Start peeling, dunking the egg into the bowl of water as you go to wash away any bits of shell.

    Get more hard-boiled egg recipes.
    source and click for the complete video instruction on how to boil the egg:
  5. CREDIT/